Each Abortion Increases Woman’s Risk of Premature Death by 50%, New Study Reports

Abortion and miscarriage are linked to an increased risk of premature death in women, while live birth is associated with improved longevity.  The negative effects are greater for abortion than miscarriage, Each abortion exposure increases the risk of early death by about fifty percent. The elevated risk of death has been identified within the first 180 days following an abortion or miscarriage and may persists for over ten years. 

Most Studies Show Abortion Linked To Increased Mental Health Problems

Women Cope with Delivery of Unplanned Pregnancy Better than Abortion Springfield,IL (September 1, 2011) – Women who have abortions are 81 percent more likely to experience subsequent mental health problems, according to a new study published by Britain’s Royal College of Psychiatrists. The greatest increases were seen in relation to suicidal behaviors and substance abuse. […]

Can Relationships Survive After Abortion?

Theresa Karminski Burke, Ph.D. For some women, abortion is the result of an outright threat of abandonment if the woman won’t “do the right thing” and abort. Other times, the pressure is more subtle: “It’s your decision, but….” Unfortunately, all the evidence shows that abortion to “save a relationship” almost never works. Many relationships between […]

Identifying High Risk Abortion Patients

While there is intense controversy regarding how many women experience post-abortion psychological problems, even pro-abortion researchers admit that at least some women are negatively effected. Moreover, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2008 Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion there are at least 15 risk factors that identify the women at greatest risk of […]

Women Highly Rate Help from Pregnancy Resource Centers: New National Study

News Release — 6/13/2023 Women facing a problematic pregnancy who have had contact with a pro-life pregnancy resource center almost always give the centers high marks for improving their lives, according to a new peer reviewed study, “Welcomed Pregnancies: Characteristics and Patterns of Adjusting to Unwanted, Unplanned, Untimely or Otherwise Difficult Pregnancies.” In this national […]

A Push to Increase Unwanted Abortions?!!

Recent Elliot Institute research has shown that the majority of abortions are unwanted, as defined by the fact that most women report feeling pressured to agree to an abortion that violated their own personal values and preferences. It is our firm belief that population controllers are actually fine with unwanted abortions, as evidenced by their efforts […]

Abortion Linked to More Mental Health Disorders in Danish National Study

News Release — May 13, 2024 There is a 50% increased risk of a first time psychiatric treatment in the year following a first abortion, according to a newly published reanalysis of Danish medical records. The elevated risk was highest (87% increased risk) for personality and behavioral disorders. This study corrects the methodological errors of a […]

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